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Mother's Day SALE from $85👸🏼《Add $34 for Lancome Lipstick》😱

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Bvlgari was originally a jewelry brand in Italy. It started with the production of exquisite silverware, and later developed diversified. Its products also include jewelry, watches and fragrance products.

Bulgari's perfume immediately won the favor of the international fashion industry with its elegant, timeless and unique fragrance. Bulgari uses color as the essence of its design in its production. It uniquely uses a variety of different colors of gems to match and combine, and then uses different materials to highlight the dazzling colors of gems. Bulgari is bold and unique, distinguished and classic. Balance also combines classical and modern features, breaking through the rigorous rules of traditional academic design, and creating Bulgari's unique style inspired by Greek elegance, Italian Renaissance and metallurgical technology in the 19th century.

The famous Bvlgari perfumes include: Jumbo Fragrance Series, Bulgari Night Jasmine, Amethyst Pure Fragrance, Blue Tea Women's Eau De Toilette, Omnia Perfume, Bulgari Management Pure Fragrance. Jingcui women's perfume and so on.

