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Niche Perfumes

5 Recommended Niche Perfumes that will definitely not conflict with others’ fragrances

People’s pursuit of the quality of perfumes has gradually increased, so when major perfume brands began to launch many similar fragrances, it became what everyone calls "commercial fragrances". It is also very embarrassing to "collapse" with others when going out. of. In fact, wearing perfume is also to enhance your personal charm and express your unique style. In fact, in addition to famous brand perfumes, there are many emerging niche perfumes recently that are also quite outstanding. Spray them on your body and you will immediately become the focus of the audience. If you want to express your own different colors and don’t want to have the same smell as others, then don’t miss the following niche perfume recommendations!

Byredo Super Cedar

As winter passes and spring comes, everything revives. This is the feeling brought by Byredo's Northern Spring perfume. The fragrance of roses, combined with the woody fragrance of Virginia cedar, plus the base notes of musk and Haitian vetiver, seems to be the feeling of nature full of vitality, and the taste is fresh and refined. If you don't like ordinary floral and fruity fragrances and are a big fan of unisex fragrances, this niche perfume is definitely worth owning.

Byredo Blanche

In addition to the Northland Spring perfume, this niche perfume - Byredo Back to Nature perfume is also outstanding. Back to Nature perfume, as the name suggests, is a simple and innocent scent, and the idea behind it is that of freshly washed cotton. The scent of ethanol is neutralized by the scent of roses, with hints of musk and woody notes enriching the flavor of Political Perfume. Therefore, the fragrance of this niche perfume is not monotonous. Spray it on your body and your return rate will definitely increase exponentially.


Although it is a niche perfume, it has a lot of background. Eau de Toilette, which debuted in 1983, was the first perfume to combine floral and fruity aromas, and was a breakthrough product at the time. The floral and fruity aroma of roses and blackcurrant berries, coupled with the grassy aroma of blackcurrant leaves, combine the floral and fruity sourness to create a sweet and tangy aroma that is completely summery. If you like sweeter perfumes but don't like "street scents", you will definitely fall in love with this niche perfume scent.

Maison Margiela Replica Beach Walk

The function of perfume is not only to enhance personal charm, but also to evoke a certain profound memory, and this niche perfume will definitely remind you of an unforgettable summer memory of mine. Bergamot, lemon, pink pepper and ylang-ylang, each fresh and sweet aroma is mixed together, just like the moist smell of the sea when walking on the beach, the lovely and energetic atmosphere, I believe it is the taste of summer.

Juliette Has A Gun Anyway

The name of this niche perfume is quite interesting. It looks like a stylish girl who yearns for freedom and freedom, and the fragrance of the niche perfume also matches the name. The top notes are lime and orange blossom, which taste very refreshing. Combined with the fragrance of jasmine and ambroxan, the fragrance is multi-layered and quite rich. If you are looking for a fragrance that enhances your femininity, this niche fragrance is perfect for you.

Recommended niche perfumes, premium perfume scents - FAQ

How to store perfume properly?

Can perfume be kept in the refrigerator?

How to detect when perfume has gone bad? Can tell it from the scent?

What are the fragrance styles of perfume?

What can you do if you find that the perfume bottle is damaged after receiving the goods?